[xml] (no subject)

Fabien RICHARD writes:

I use the libxml2 XML SAX parser, and it seems there is some problems with CDATA elements:
<![CDATA[ This Is <NOT> Parsed!! ]]>

When the SAX parser reach a CDATA element, my application exits in error.
Is someone aware about this problem?...

I have the same trouble with this kind of line in my XML, about validation file:
<!DOCTYPE mainElem SYSTEM "configFile.dtd">

        I had this problem some time back, and the reason was that I
had forgotten to supply a callback for CDATA elements for the
SAXhandler. I had also forgotten to define callbacks for warnings,
errors and fatal errors.

        Actually, it was more like a faulty assumption than
forgetfulness - I somehow expected the default SAXhandler structure
(the sax element of a context created by xmlCreateFileParserCtxt) to
have reasonable defaults for these.

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