RE: [xml] compiling libxml v2.4.26 with mingw under win2k

-----Original Message-----
From: Igor Zlatkovic [mailto:igor stud fh-frankfurt de]
Sent: 13 November 2002 16:20
To: xml gnome org
Subject: Re: [xml] compiling libxml v2.4.26 with mingw under win2k

What is missing? If the compiler misses those winsock 
definitions, does 
including wsockcompat.h in libxml.h bring you any further?

Unfortunately this didn't solve the problem.

Some work to make libxml work on mingw has been done recently, and it 
included some modifications to autoconf/automake. This hasn't 
been finalised 

When you say it hasn't been finalised does that mean it's available in CVS
but not yet been release?!  If so, is that build available to Jo public  at

As Fred stated, cygwin has its own libxml which can be 
installed by using 
the cygwin installation program.

I need to be able to build GLIB, GTK, LIBXML, LIBGLADE and all the smaller
libraries in-between for customer satisfaction that if any one library was
discontinued, we could still build it and possibly patch it.  I am hopping
to do this with MSYS or CYGWIN using the MINGW compiler.


martyn 2 russell bt com wrote:
now it complains about other things that are missing.  
perhaps I should be
compiling under cygwin with mingw compiler? any thoughts?

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