[xml] libxml2 core dumps on oasis xml test suite


While I've tested c14n xml implementation I am working on I've noticed few
core dumps. And I was able to reproduce these core dumps with xmllint.
I've tried libxml2-2.4.16 and the today's CVS snapshot configured and compiled with default options on Red Hat Linux 7.2 + kernel 2.4.17 and Mandrake Beta 7.2 and had the same results all times. All cores shows crash in the same place:
   #0  0x40170b81 in __libc_free (mem=0x806b298) at malloc.c:3143
   #1  0x4005a282 in xmlFreeElementContent (cur=0x806b298) at valid.c:495
   #2  0x4005a247 in xmlFreeElementContent (cur=0x806b1e8) at valid.c:492
   #3  0x40041cb0 in xmlParseElementChildrenContentDecl (ctxt=0x805a8c8,
       inputchk=0x806aab0) at parser.c:4475
   #4  0x400420be in xmlParseElementContentDecl (ctxt=0x805a8c8,
       name=0x806ac10 "aElement", result=0xbfffddc8) at parser.c:4610
   #5  0x40042505 in xmlParseElementDecl (ctxt=0x805a8c8) at parser.c:4692

The OASIS test suite was downloaded here:
The xmllint was executed using following command line:
   xmllint --debug --noent $filename
Test files that crashes xmllint ($filename):

Please let me know if you will need any additional info (stack traces, etc.)



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