[xml] excluded from include

i am clearly missing something obvious - i have looked at some of the
archive discussion on Xinclude, and i _think_ i am follwoing it
correctly, but i do not appear to be including in the following xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<netperf xmlns="http://www.netperf.org/ns/netperf";

<server id="1">

<server id="2">

<test id="1">

<!-- This is just another boring comment -->

<test id="2">

<xi:include href="sub.xml" />


I anticipate that this config file for a benchmark could become very
very large (thousands of entries) and so getting include to function
could be useful.

Other things with which I am struggling include:

*) when to use attributes versus sub-entities

*) multiple DTDs or later XML schemas in a document - perhaps coming
with includes, but perhaps having a DTD specified for the "specfic"
portions of the test element. i am hoping to have this benchmark be
rather "plugin" and not necessarily require someone to edit a main DTD
file each time to specify additional DTD's when the add a new test

rick jones
Wisdom Teeth are impacted, people are affected by the effects of events.
these opinions are mine, all mine; HP might not want them anyway... :)
feel free to post, OR email to raj in cup.hp.com  but NOT BOTH...

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