[xml] uri-escaping

As I can understand.

While calling xmlBufferWriteQuotedString text data stored in buffer after
scertain actions whith this buffer are stored by recoding function for
international languages. When I store some "href" data in russian language
i.e. even my char takes 2 bytes in node->content hens xmlNodeListGetString
returns UTF8 string too, and after that I'm dumping HTML, xmlURIEscapeStr
escapes each byte not satisfied:
 ((ch != '@') && (!IS_UNRESERVED(ch)) && (!xmlStrchr(list, ch)))
for HTMLdumping list="@/:=?;#%&". Eeach byte of 2 byte letter becames
%sequese. After that string becomes valid ASCII string and iconv can't
convert string back. Example from  http://www.w3.org/TR/xptr/#uri-escaping :

resume -> r%C3%A9sum%C3%A9

but it dosn't work both in IE 6 or Netscape 6. When I type in form some text
in russian it contains only 1 byte chars. After first XSLT transforming word
begins contains 2 byte chars. Is this right?

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