RE: FW: [xml] How can I parse XML using ISO 8859-1 decoding?

I tried and it works.
Howeveris that possible to enable this decoding gobally?


-----Original Message-----
From: Geert Kloosterman [mailto:geertk ai rug nl]
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 1:49 PM
To: Andrew Law
Cc: xml gnome org
Subject: Re: FW: [xml] How can I parse XML using ISO 8859-1 decoding?

"Andrew" == Andrew Law <andrew law digeo com> writes:

    Andrew> I have ran the example (gjobread) in libxml2-2.4.19 and
    Andrew> libxml2.2.4.23.  I modified the gjobs.xml to contain this
    Andrew> word (

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