[xml] Problem with Installation on AIX4.3.3

     I have just started using Libxml2 on one of our many servers running
AIX4.3.3. I managed to compile, install and run libxml on one of our
servers without a hitch. However when trying to install it to our other
servers i have come upon several Errors. They are as following.
Undefined symbol: cprogstr
     ERROR: Undefined symbol: .iconv_open
     ERROR: Undefined symbol: .iconv_close
     ERROR: Undefined symbol: .iconv
     ERROR: Undefined symbol: .isnan
     ERROR Undefined symbol: .log10
     ERROR: Undefined symbol: .pow
I have installed Libxml using the --disable-shared option. Iconv has been
installed as part of the base operating system. If anyone has any ideas on
how to resolve this it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in Advance
Joel Vijayakumar

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