[xml] release of libxml2-2.4.23

  Hi all,

 it was nearly 6 weeks since the last realease, so I felt the need
to push a new version with the current set of fixes:

    Downloads: ftp://xmlsoft.org/ and Gnome FTP mirrors
    Web:      http://xmlsoft.org/

 This is mostly a bugfixes and performance improvement oriented release:

- performances patches: Peter Jacobi
- c14n fixes, testsuite and performances: Aleksey Sanin
- added xmlDocFormatDump: Chema Celorio
- new tutorial: John Fleck
- new hash functions and performances: Sander Vesik, portability fix
  from Peter Jacobi
- removal of all remaining sprintf: Aleksey Sanin
- a number of bug fixes: XPath (William Brack, Richard Jinks), XML and
  HTML parsers, ID lookup function

 I may have missed a few changes in this log,


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network https://rhn.redhat.com/
veillard redhat com  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit  http://xmlsoft.org/
http://veillard.com/ | Rpmfind RPM search engine http://rpmfind.net/

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