[xml] patch for SAX.c

In the function startElement() we use a fixed length buffer when checking
that attributes are not declared. Unless I'm missing something, I think we
should really use a dynamically allocated buffer, so we don't get problems
in the unlikely event that strlen(prefix) + strlen(":") + strlen(name) >
99. Doing it this way also means we stick with using the xmlStr functions,
which is nicer than using snprintf() IMHO...


--- SAX.c       2001/12/31 16:15:57     1.82
+++ SAX.c       2002/01/20 20:07:44
@@ -1062,14 +1062,14 @@
                        ((attr->prefix == NULL) &&
                         (xmlStrEqual(attr->name, BAD_CAST "xmlns"))) ||
                        (ctxt->loadsubset & XML_COMPLETE_ATTRS)) {
-                       xmlChar buffer[100];
-                       const xmlChar *fulln = attr->name;
+                       xmlChar *fulln;
                        if (attr->prefix != NULL) {
-                           snprintf((char *) buffer, 99, "%s:%s",
-                                    attr->prefix, attr->name);
-                           buffer[99] = 0;
-                           fulln = buffer;
+                           fulln = xmlStrdup(attr->prefix);
+                           fulln = xmlStrcat(fulln, BAD_CAST ":");
+                           fulln = xmlStrcat(fulln, attr->name);
+                       } else {
+                           fulln = xmlStrdup(attr->name);
@@ -1089,6 +1089,7 @@
                        if (att == NULL)
                            attribute(ctxt, fulln, attr->defaultValue);
+                       xmlFree(fulln);
                attr = attr->nexth;

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