[xml] Windows/MSVC updates

Hello there.

I have updated the export list (.def.src file) to include all functions
which should have been there, but weren't. The export list is now about 50
symbols richer. Libxml2 now exports 869 symbols, more than MS C-runtime :-)

I have also tweaked the project files. I noticed that I forgot to update the
project file for the static lib last time I updated the one for the dynamic
lib. to prevent this from happening in the future, I have now made a project
file which builds the shared and the static lib in the single run, so there
is one file left to maintain. This also resembles the constellation in the
binary package somewhat better.

The updates are in the ZIP archive which hangs on this message. This one
must be extracted in the root of the source tree, because it updates the
readme file as well.

I would also now act upon my long outstanding threat to remove the old

Okay, now, these files are new and should be added:


These files/directories are obsolete and should be removed:


Other files should be overwritten by those in the ZIP archive.

Attachment: libxml2.dsp.zip
Description: Zip compressed data

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