RE: [xml] Multiple XPath Contexts...

Title: RE: [xml] Multiple XPath Contexts...

Daniel, et al.,

Thanks for your response - your diligence amazes me.  =)

> Why do you want to copy a context ?

Given the following XML :

        <patient>Jones, Jon</patient>
        <doctor>Mathews, Matt</doctor>
<patient>Williams, Wendy</patient>
<doctor>Trejo, Tony</doctor>

If I have an object that does the following :

// constructor...
_doc = xmlParseFile(fileName);
_context = xmlXPathNewContext(_doc);

// inside a function that changes the context...
_nodeList = xmlXPathEval("/report", _context);
_activeNode = _nodeList->nodesetval->nodeTab[0];
_context->node = _activeNode;

Then I have changed the context for future XPath evaluations.

Well, like I said, I'm translating a library from msxml (boo!) to libxml (yay!), and the class that I'm working on supports a copy constructor.

So, if I took my object, right now, and made a copy of it, I'd have two instances that had a context of the report node.

Then, on the first instance, I could do an XPath evaluation of "/patient" and get the "Jones, Jon" node.

On the second instance, I could do an XPath evaluation of "/doctor" and get the "Mathews, Matt" node.

Without being able to somehow copy the context, the second instance would get "Trejo, Tony" when it did an XPath evaluation of "/doctor".

I could obviously try to keep using the same context, but then my instances would need to keep assigning _context->node to the node that they want XPath evaluations to be relative to.  I suppose that's not too bad - but it seems like it would be better to let each instance have its own context.  In order to make that work, I need to be able to copy the context.

I didn't invent the library that I'm translating.  =)  But, I do need to support its functionality.  I am doing reference counting on the _doc, so that I know when to do xmlFreeDoc(_doc), so that shouldn't be a problem.  I suspect that what I want to do is something like this, in my copy constructor :

_context = xmlXPathNewContext(_doc);
_context->node = previous_instance_context->node;

But my question is - is that sufficient?  =)

> I don't understand what you want to achieve. If you define function,
> or variables bound to a given context you will have to redefine them similary
> if you create a new one. There is no copy operation at that level.

To clarify, I am not defining any functions or variables bound to the context.  If I were, though - I would like the ability to copy them to a new context, as long as I could guarantee that the xmlDocPtr would still be valid for them.  I don't believe the library I'm translating makes use of functions or variables bound to the context, though - so it's not an issue for me (unless some of the XPath functions define functions or variables bound to the context, without my realizing it).

I sincerely thank you for your attention and assistance.


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