RE: [xml] Questions about libxml as a DLL on win32.

-----Original Message-----
Well, then I guess we can't agree on this.  Here's a makefile for
MSVC that shows the same results as the makefile for borland.

get ready to agree

# This is the unix build version of the makefile for SolitanLib


CFLAGS=/W3 /MT /O2 /GX /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" \
      /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /D "_USRDLL" \

You are compiling main.c and dllfunctions.c and staticly linking both to the
c runtime.  this means that each there is a free() function in testdll.exe
and dllfunctions.dll.  that is the cause of your problem.

change the /MT compiler flag to /MD.

Or, for more proof, use add the following line to both main.c and

printf("I am using free 0x%08X\n",free)

you will see that testdll.exe is using a different copy of free as
dllfunctions.c,  that is your problem.

It is not a win32 "dll boundary" issue.

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