Re: [xml] 2.4.10 --without-debug -> libxslt 1.0.7 make error

On Thu, Nov 22, 2001 at 04:25:05PM +0100, Elizabeth Mattijsen wrote:
If you

   ./configure --without-debug

libxml 2.4.10 and then attempt to create libxslt 1.0.7, you get the 
following error in make:

  Hum, right ... I need to check this,

If the ./configure is done --with-debug (the default, by the way), there is 
no error in the libxslt make.  Seems like "xmlGetLineNo" is not declared 
properly when using --without-debug.

  Exact the module content is not compiled !

The reason I'm trying to make libxml without debugging support, is that 
xsltproc outputs debugging information to stdout in some cases when the 
HTML-parser is used, which breaks the XML generated on stdout.

  Hum, the right way to fix this would be to provide a flag where all
errors are dropped. However errors should go to stderr not stdout, can
you provide examples of html files generating arrorst to stdout instdead of
stderr ?

I realise that you could use the --output parameter in xsltproc to force 
the output to a file, but that just makes it nasty when using xsltproc as 
part of a filter.

  Understood but errors should not go to stdout ... examples please.


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network
veillard redhat com  | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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