Re: [xml] Building/configure errors on alpha/OSF-1

On Thu, Nov 15, 2001 at 01:40:16PM +0100, Allan Sandfeld Jensen wrote:
Just a small build bug, but a sloppy one. 

  Not sloppy,

checking for snprintf... no
../entities.c:518: warning: implicit declaration of function `snprintf'

I thought the point of having configure detect if snprintf worked or not; was 
to either not use it, or report a configuration error.

  When the configure script doesn't found the snprintf familly of 
string formatting functions which are a *basic* requirement to provide
secure processing of strings, then libxml uses the internal trio replacement
function providing those capabilities on those platform.
  The warning indicate that something may be missing, the trio library
do provide snprintf on alpha/OSF-1 this was tested by Bjorn Reese in the
past if my memory is correct.

  There might be a problem, it's definitely not a sloppy bug, and the problem
analysis is wrong. Now why does trio is not used is a mistery to me
I can't debug since I don't have access to that platform. One thing is
sure I don't want libxml to use unguarded string formatting routine. If
it means the library might not run on the platform, too bad, but
I don't even want to take the risk to see libxml being a source of security
problems due to use of sprintf and related heresy.

Seems like a have to make do without libxml on this one.

  Sorry ? Parse error... What do you mean ?


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network
veillard redhat com  | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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