I'm having problems (libxml-2.3.3, libxslt-0.4.0) processing empty tags; in fact, the results seem to be completely wrong.
The output is: -snip- <?xml version="1.0"?> <FOO> <BAR>This is bar 1</BAR> <XXX> This is bar 2 </XXX> <BAR>This is bar 2</BAR> </FOO> -snip- This doesn't seem to be right. If I change the xsl:value-of in the xxx- template to <xsl:value-of select="text()"/> (or to <xsl:apply-templates/>, for that matter), the output is more sane. Am I missing something here?
No, that's a bug. Or rather that was a bug, hiding in xmlNodeGetContent() in libxml/tree.c Enclosed patch fixes it, Daniel P.S: I suggest you subscribe to the xslt list -- Daniel Veillard | Red Hat Network http://redhat.com/products/network/ veillard redhat com | libxml Gnome XML toolkit http://xmlsoft.org/ http://veillard.com/ | Rpmfind RPM search engine http://rpmfind.net/
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