Re: [xml] Anyone else having problems with Sun Workshop?

On Tue, Jun 05, 2001 at 02:54:42PM -0400, Daniel Veillard wrote:
On Tue, Jun 05, 2001 at 01:49:00PM -0500, David Frascone wrote:
program terminated by signal SEGV (no mapping at the fault address)
Current function is startElement
 1067       ctxt->valid &= xmlValidateRoot(&ctxt->vctxt, ctxt->myDoc);
(/ws/on81-tools/SUNWspro/SC6.1/bin/../WS6U1/bin/sparcv9/dbx) where           
  [1] 0x22da0(0x35e8c, 0x349a0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0), at 0x22d9f
=>[2] startElement(ctx = 0x35e20, fullname = 0x22f78 "dictionary", atts = (nil)), line 1067 in "SAX.c"

  Nothing abnormal to me. If it crashes there, this would mean 
ctxt has been corrupted, no really I don't have a clue. Someone
will have to debug this.

Easy enough:

(/ws/on81-tools/SUNWspro/SC6.1/bin/../WS6U1/bin/sparcv9/dbx) print *ctx
*ctx = (void)
(/ws/on81-tools/SUNWspro/SC6.1/bin/../WS6U1/bin/sparcv9/dbx) print ctx 
ctx = 0x35e20
(/ws/on81-tools/SUNWspro/SC6.1/bin/../WS6U1/bin/sparcv9/dbx) frame 3 
Current function is xmlParseStartTag
 6141           ctxt->sax->startElement(ctxt->userData, name, atts);
(/ws/on81-tools/SUNWspro/SC6.1/bin/../WS6U1/bin/sparcv9/dbx) print *ctxt
*ctxt = {
    sax               = 0x35f38
    userData          = 0x35e20
    myDoc             = 0x349a0
    wellFormed        = 1
    replaceEntities   = 0
    version           = 0x35b40 "1.0"
    encoding          = (nil)
    standalone        = -1
    html              = 0
    input             = 0x36040
    inputNr           = 1
    inputMax          = 5
    inputTab          = 0x27538
    node              = 0x34ba0
    nodeNr            = 1
    nodeMax           = 10
    nodeTab           = 0x35fb0
    record_info       = 0
    node_seq          = {
        maximum = 0
        length  = 0
        buffer  = (nil)
    errNo             = 0
    hasExternalSubset = 1
    hasPErefs         = 0
    external          = 1
    valid             = 1
    validate          = -14480968
    vctxt             = {
        userData  = 0x35e20
        error     = 0xff13eb50 = &xmlParserValidityError()
        warning   = 0xff13ed00 = &xmlParserValidityWarning()
        node      = (nil)
        nodeNr    = 0
        nodeMax   = 0
        nodeTab   = (nil)
        finishDtd = 0
        doc       = 0x349a0
        valid     = 1
        vstate    = (nil)
        vstateNr  = 0
        vstateMax = 0
        vstateTab = (nil)
    instate           = XML_PARSER_CONTENT
    token             = 0
    directory         = 0x27578 "/home/dfrascon/work/xml"
    name              = (nil)
    nameNr            = 0
    nameMax           = 10
    nameTab           = 0x35fe0
    nbChars           = 540
    checkIndex        = 0
    keepBlanks        = 0
    disableSAX        = 0
    inSubset          = 0
    intSubName        = 0x22f00 "dictionary"
    extSubURI         = 0x349f8 "avp.dtd"
    extSubSystem      = (nil)
    space             = 0x36014
    spaceNr           = 2
    spaceMax          = 10
    spaceTab          = 0x36010
    depth             = 0
    entity            = 0x34be8
    charset           = 1
    nodelen           = 0
    nodemem           = -1
    pedantic          = 0
    _private          = (nil)
    loadsubset        = 0

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