Re: [xml] xmlDocDump changes 2.3.6 -> 2.3.7

Works like a champ, thanks!

-Joe M.

|   Joe McAlerney     joey silicondefense com   |
| Silicon Defense - Technical Support for Snort |
|          |
+--                                           --+

Daniel Veillard wrote:
On Thu, Apr 26, 2001 at 02:54:53PM -0400, Daniel Veillard wrote:
[Cc'ing the gdome list since this problem was raised there too ]
+ xmlSaveFile(const char *filename, xmlDocPtr cur) {
+     return(xmlSaveFile(filename, cur, 0));
  just a small glitch in the patch xmlSaveFile() should call
xmlSaveFormatFile() not xmlSaveFile()


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