Re: Lots of _NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN issues ...

Havoc Pennington (hp redhat com):

> On Thu, May 29, 2003 at 03:09:54PM -0500, Billy Biggs wrote: 
> > But what about when the mouse hits the edge of the window, the X
> > server will pan?
> Some apps certainly avoid this; how do they do it? Presumably vidmode
> has some "do not pan" mode? Can't you enable that?

  Oh, looks like I can.


  Neat. :)

  Maybe WMs should do that when a fullscreen window is active?

> > Aside: I seriously thought that _NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN meant that
> > my app didn't need to worry about all of our VidMode code. :(
> You shouldn't need to worry about resizing or redecorating your
> application window (once we sort all this out), but you still have to
> worry about changing the X server to the vidmode you want including
> any properties of that such as whether it should allow panning.
> Fullscreen mode does not imply changing vidmode - how would the WM
> know which vidmode to change to?

  No, it should honour the current vidmode.  The user will use
ctrl-alt-+/- or xrandr or whatever to select the appropriate refresh
rate or resolution, and then using _NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN should use
the current mode, no?


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