Re: Window History Placement

> On Thu, Jan 30, 2003 at 02:02:49AM +0100, Matthias Clasen wrote:
> I don't think most window managers' did placement routines where all
> windows of the same hints got placed in the same position though. A
> window which didn't asked to be placed wouldn't be placed on top of
> the other 4 of the same type. It will make history placement rather
> anti-productive if all xterms get placed at the same position, and all
> nautilus windows, etc.

Note that the actual behavior of history placement is not detailed at all in
proposed spec additions, but Bens description of his Metacity implementation
it very clear that this is not happening. Maybe the implementation notes
be more explicit that this should be avoided. 
> I understand this is somewhat implementation specific, but the general
> idea of this technique seems to be unfriendly towards any application
> which doesn't take this into account.

Also note that this is just one possible placement policy, and the user
(normally) gets to choose 
which policy to use for which clients. So, if you don't like the history of
your xterms to be recorded,
just configure your wm to random-place them...


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