Re: missing semantic types

> Why can't such window be simply _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DIALOG with the 
> hint set? 

I'm not saying it can't, but it would be a bit ugly. 'urgency' is a 
property, i.e. a dialog can become urgent at any time, while the HIG wants 
to make 
a number of static differences between dialogs and alerts:

* alerts don't display titles, dialogs do
* alerts are not resizable, dialogs are
* alerts are not shown in the taskbar, dialogs are 

> Also, I'm not sure what 'system window list' is, but if that last 
> sentence in the description means the window won't have taskbar entry, I 

> don't see a reason why.

Yes, I believe the 'system window list' is what the EWMH calls a 
'taskbar'. As to
the 'why', I guess you will have to ask that question on hig gnome org 


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