Re: desktop layout patch

On Tuesday 16 July 2002 11:55 pm, Matthias Clasen wrote:
> > If so, maybe we should go with point C) from me previous post:
> >
> > "C) If we did want the pager to advertise only the number of wrapped
> > rows, and not the number of columns created by those rows, why not just
> > have the pager advertise only the number of wrapped rows?  I suspect
> > that implementations of this protocol will choose to do one or the other
> >
> > anyway, and that the special case will just result all implementations
> > maintaining the same pieces of un-exercised code."
> I think this is a good idea. The page should advertise either
> horizontal orientation + number of columns
> or
> vertical orientation + number or rows

Shouldn't that be horiz. orient. + #rows // vert. orient. + #cols ?

Even so, that doesn't make it any easier IMO. E.g. you can have:
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
1 3 5 7
2 4 6 8

With the approach the first one would be horizontal with 2 rows then and the 
second one would be vertical with 4 columns.

In the original porposal both these situations would be described with X=-1 
Y=2 and only the orientation of the numbering would change.

bastian kde org  |   SuSE Labs KDE Developer  |  bastian suse com

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