Re: "full screen" windows

Actually your idea of adding a presentation window type might be better 
in the long run. Because even if you have a fullscreen (lets say 
presentation ) window you still may want to show dialogues while running 
the presentation. If your presentation window is override redirect then 
this is not possible with later window managers. On the other hand one 
could simply say that dialogues that are transient for an override 
redirect window would be on top of it. I actually tried this but it led 
to the full screen window lowered beneath everything else; i don't think 
there is a definition what should happen if a window is transient for an 
override redirect window, so this probably needs to be defined.

Regards, Philipp

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ursprüngliche Nachricht <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Am 16.08.01, 18:10:54, schrieb Havoc Pennington <hp redhat com> zum Thema 
Re: "full screen" windows:

> Philipp Lohmann <Philipp Lohmann Sun COM> writes:
> > Actually a screen size override redirect window will do that trick. It
> > has the benefit of working on all known window managers whereas e.g. kwin
> > does not care much about Motif hints. You can get it on top with
> > XRaiseWindow.
> >

> True.

> Havoc

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