Re: Initial window placement

>> at the time of initial placement - initial window's width should be taken
>> into consideration, as if it was the frame for this window.
>That is wrong - there should be "size" instead of "width".

I agree. That's why i posted in the first place.

>I'm not sure you understand what this is all about.
>To Test for that you'll need to start somthing with SouthEast gravity,
>for example :
>rxvt -g -10-10
>and see if the frame decoration's lower right outer edge stays at -10-10
>window comes up and wm decorates it. If it does then everything is good.

Actually i tried with NorthWest gravity and upper left coordinates. And on 
most window managers the position and size is respected, just on kwin i found 
that the height of the frame when first mapped is not what i put into the size 
hints but has the decoration height added.

Why do you suggest one would only get exact positioning with SouthEast gravity 

Regards, Philipp

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