Is a workspace a workspace?

I think a unified pager is a most important goal we should set for 
ourselves.  If anything can be generalized across all window managers,
I would hope that virtual desktops could be.

One small warning though - desktops as implemented in E do not seem to 
be immediately useful for a large class of users.  They do bad things to Motif
drag and drop as well as break the screen capture routines in many
popular programs. This is because many programs assume (admittedly
incorrectly) that the desktop window is the X root window. This is
why in Red Hat 6.0 we set E to use desktop areas and only have one desktop.
The desktop areas in E are implemented more like the traditional ones in

Once mozilla is using Xdnd and authors have patches to fix the
screen capture issues, I don't see a problem with the desktops in E.
Over the short term there will be some strife however.

Dr Mike

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