Re: Window Manager configuration utilities

>Did my message about this not make it through to the list?  This was my
>comment in a nutshell, but I've not yet seen any responses to what I

Sorry not to have replied - your message got mentally filed under "this will 
require a lengthy response, do it later" and hasn't been seen since.

I'm glad that someone is considering the question of window manager/desktop 
interaction from first principles, instead of trying to bend the current spec 
into shape. Here are my thoughts:

There is a functional line between window management and the services 
provided by a desktop environment. Some existing window managers cross this
line because they attempt to provide a complete DE in one program. The Gnome 
pager crosses this line because it attempts to split the window manager into 
two programs. Our first task is to identify this line.

There are UI features from other environments which we would like to see
incorporated into X, like special window decorations for toolbars and the 
ability to maximise windows. There are also some native ideas which we might
like to improve, like the use of multiple workspaces and session management. 
Any enhancements which are made must also take into account the relationship 
between the window manager and the desktop environment. Therefore this 
relationship must be defined *first* - we cannot agree on a spec until this 
has been done. To define the technical details without agreeing on a 
cooperation framework is pointless.

Michael Rogers

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