From HAL to udev. Testing needed.

Hi Folks,

Recently I pushed a separated branch[1] for coding the port of HAL
dependency to udev (aka "halsectomy").
It's seems to work quite well and I think it's smarter now. I've
successfully runned it on Ubuntu Maverick, and even Meego (after
resolving a boring dependency hell).

It would be really nice if someone could do some test and confirm a
right behavior. HAL (now udev) was used to detect the adition/removal
of the input device named "Nintendo Wiimote". I think it's enough to:

* Run wiican
* Launch a mapping (the notification will appear)
* Press  1+2 to discover the wiimote
* Play for a while
* Disconnect by pressing the wiimote shutdown physical button or by
doing click on "Disconnect" menu.



J. Félix Ontañón Carmona

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