Re: Wiican uploaded to Debian Sid.

2010/12/6 Matthew Grant <matthewgrant5 gmail com>:
> Hi All,
> Wiican 0.3.1 has been uploaded to Debian Sid.  Give it a couple of days
> to get into the package archive.
> Thanks go to Christoph Korn <christoph korn getdeb net> from
> that packaged up 0.3.x so well.  Christoph, would like to be sponsored
> by me to become a Debian Maintainer?  I can arrange the control fields
> if you wish.
> I will be fixing any bugs that turn up.  I am expecting a lot wrt to
> Debian Policy.
> Best Regards,
> Matthew Grant

Great work, Matthew!

Getting wiican into Debian Sid will be really good for achieving
amounts of users. I can confirm Christoph has been making a really
good job packaging wiican into getdeb.

Christoph, i'm sure  wiican-team will be pleased if you accept to
become the wiican debian package maintainer, so it relies on you but,
anyway, let me thank you for your concern.

Matthew, did you based on 0.3.1-1~getdeb1 or 0.3.1-1~getdeb2 ? The
getdeb1 version got some upstream bugs, and Christoph solved it at
getdeb2[1]. It's there some url's for watching the source-package and
the debian sid package acceptance process?



J. Félix Ontañón Carmona
Jefe de Proyecto

Emergya Consultoría
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