Re: [Vala] valaDevelop

   > On Friday, 10 May 2019, 12:28:26 BST, Wolfgang Mauer <wolfgang mauer kabelmail de> wrote: > due to low 
interest/feedback I will give up the development of 
valaDevelop and dedicate myself to mono/C# again...

For anyone thinking of developing a project this has been a valuablecase study in the advantages of free/open 
source licensing.
valaDevelop has gathered ten stars, four watchers and one fork on GitHubin the eleven weeks since it was 
announced - now the developer has 
decided to move on there is a binary blob leftthat will slowly go stale.
Most Vala projects appear to be free software/open source so I think most peopleon this list understand the 
advantages and that includes forking dead projects.

Best wishes Wolfgang with your future projects.


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