[Vala] Prevent a MessageDialog from being closed with Esc

Hi all,

is there a way to prevent a MessageDialog from closing with Esc key?

var messagedialog = new MessageDialog((Window)widget.get_toplevel(), DialogFlags.MODAL, MessageType.ERROR, ButtonsType.NONE, _(@"Are you sure you want to delete the directory $file?")); messagedialog.add_action_widget(new Button.with_mnemonic(_("_Yes")), ResponseType.YES); messagedialog.add_action_widget(new Button.with_mnemonic(_("_No")), ResponseType.NO); messagedialog.add_action_widget(new Button.with_mnemonic(_("_Remove")), ResponseType.APPLY); messagedialog.secondary_text = _(@"This directory and all its files and subfolders are permanently removed from your storage. Click '$(_("Remove"))' if you just want to remove it from your current project.");
messagedialog.delete_event.connect( (event) =>
    return true; // It's just a test, looks like it does not make a differencewhat i return
var response = messagedialog.run();

My "working" solution for now is this, may there is a better way?

int response = ResponseType.DELETE_EVENT;
    response = messagedialog.run();
} while(response == ResponseType.DELETE_EVENT);

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