Re: [Vala] Legacy Bindings: "Inject" & operator?

    > On Thursday, 1 March 2018, 07:55:19 GMT, Dr. Michael Lauer <mickey vanille de> wrote:  
I pondered whether it would be helpful to add a to_string() method to make
this a bit more convenient.

Yes, to my mind to_string() should be used more in bindings. It makes it much easier to use instring 
templates, etc.

This doesn’t work though, since time_t is bounds as IntegerType, hence the compiler bails out> Independent 
of whether this patch can make it to glib-2.0.vapi or not, I wonder> whether there is a CCode attribute 
that could make this happen without introducing
a vala helper method.

There are CCode attributes type and type_cname listed at
May be they are relevant.


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