Re: [Vala] Newbie help requested for scrolling a TextView

  > On Thursday, 25 January 2018, 11:37:49 GMT, Manish Jain <jude obscure yandex com> wrote: > I was filling 
up the view> with text += <new line read by Disk Input Stream>. And I think Vala> removes the trailing 
newline, so essentially my buffer always had> just one line! 
By using += with the text property of the buffer you are re-writing the wholebuffer on each change. You 
should probably be looking at one of the insertfunctions of Gtk.TextBuffer.
I doubt Vala is removing trailing newlines unless you are telling your program to, even if unintentionally! 
Your Vala program is using library functions so lookcarefully at these library functions' documentation and 
what they are returning.

At runtime, both textview and scale occupy 50% of the grid's> real-estate. Can I tell the grid to give 75% 
coverage to the view> and 25% to the scale, or is there some way I can size the widgets> myself from 
within my code?
You would want a 4 column grid and to make the width of the view3 and the width of the scale 1. A nice 
example (Python):



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