Re: [Vala] The future of Vala

----- Original Message -----
From: Evan Nemerson <evan coeus-group com>
Sent: Saturday, 10 September 2016, 21:44
Subject: Re: [Vala] The future of Vala

Chris Daley has been working on moving a version of Valadate into the
Vala tree (see <>) so tests are
easier to write.  I'd like to get some feedback from people on his
work, and if it would encourage people to write more tests we should
merge it after 0.34 is branched.

Instead of 'make check' the Valadate version also allows you to:
cd tests
This shows TAP output for the tests and produces a log in TAP
format called valactests-0.34.log This includes HTTP links to
bugzilla reports and can be fed into a CI system such as Jenkins.

Ultimately it would be nice to specify a subset of tests so test
first development could be made easier. Then run the full regression
suite once the feature is passing the initial tests.

I hope people like it,


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