Re: [Vala] Reflection : getting values in Gee.Collection

Okay. Thank you very much for your answer!

Le 11 avril 2016 05:17:43 WAT, Daniel Espinosa <esodan gmail com> a écrit :
Another form is to subclass ArrayList<string>, the resulting class can
instantiated used simple using your subclass' type. Then
can call any method available for Gee.ArrayList or Gee.Collection by
casting to the object you need.

But defining a Serializable interface is good. In GXml, we need to
initialize all your Gee collections properties on creation, in order to
access them at run time, is not possible to create a Gee generic class
runtime, if you want to do so in a generic, no hard coded, way.
El abr. 10, 2016 5:21 PM, "Felipe Lavratti" <felipelav gmail com>

​Baptize Gelez,

Here is an example how I'd do it:

File 'vala_test.vala':

using Gee;

interface ISerializable : Object {
    public abstract string[] serializable_keys();
    public abstract string[] serializable_values();

class SerializableClass : ISerializable, Object {

    string prop1;
    ArrayList<string> prop2;

    public SerializableClass (){
        prop1 = "bla!";
        prop2 = new ArrayList<string>();
        prop2.add ("100");
        prop2.add ("10");
        prop2.add ("1");

    public string[] serializable_keys () {
        var result = new GLib.Array<string>();
        result.append_val ("prop1");

        for (int i = 0; i < prop2.size; i++)
            result.append_val (@"prop2[$i]");


    public string[] serializable_values () {
        var result = new GLib.Array<string>();
        result.append_val (@"$prop1");

        for (int i = 0; i < prop2.size; i++)
            result.append_val (@"$(prop2[i])");


HashMap<string,string> create_model(ISerializable serializable) {
    var result = new HashMap<string, string>();
    var keys = serializable.serializable_keys();
    var values = serializable.serializable_values();

    for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++)
        result  set(keys[i], values[i]);

    return result;

class Main {

    static void main() {
        var object_under_test = new SerializableClass();
        var model = create_model(object_under_test);

        var it = model.iterator ();
        for (var has_next = (); has_next; has_next =
()) {
            var key = it.get().key;
            var value = it.get().value;
            stdout.printf(@"$key -> $value\n");

$ valac vala_test.vala --pkg gee-0.8
$ ./vala_test
prop2[1] -> 10
prop2[0] -> 100
prop2[2] -> 1
prop1 -> bla!

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