[Vala] Cannot throw IOError.from_errno

I cannot throw the result of 'IOError.from_errno' despites it is an

The following code:

    throw IOError.from_errno (errno);

Produces the following error:

    error: incompatible types when assigning to type ‘GError * {alias
    struct _GError *}’ from type ‘GIOErrorEnum {alias enum <anonymous>}’
       _tmp9_ = g_io_error_from_errno (_tmp8_);

I have to use a dirty hack with GLib.Error and IOError.quark () to make
it work.
Guillaume Poirier-Morency <guillaumepoiriermorency gmail com>

Étudiant au baccalauréat en Informatique à l'Université de Montréal
Développeur d'application web

Mon blog: https://arteymix.github.io
Mon projet de coopérative: https://pittoresque.github.io

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