Re: [Vala] Writing bindings as legacy

Why not something like this:

[CCode (cheader_filename = "rados/librados.h", cname = "rados_create2")]
public static int from_config (out ClusterClient? client, string?
cluster_name, string? user_name, Flags flags);

Vala will ensure `client` is null before calling this function, if the
result is a failure, `client` will be null. It's owned, so the
`rados_shutdown` will be called. If you want it to look like a return:

[CCode (cname="g_io_error_from_errno")]
private int _g_io_error_from_errno(int errno);
[CCode (cheader_filename = "rados/librados.h", cname = "rados_create2")]
private static int _from_config (out ClusterClient? client, string?
cluster_name, string? user_name, Flags flags);
public static ClusterClient? from_config(string? cluster_name, string?
user_name, Flags flags) throw GLib.IOError {
  ClusterClient? result;
  int code;
  if ((code = _from_config(out result, cluster_name, user_name, flags)) <
0) {
    throw new Error(IOError.quark(), _g_io_error_from_errno(-code), "%s",
  return (owned) result;

This requires depending on gio-2.0.

Also, Flags should probably be an enum.

On 22 November 2014 at 18:01, Gonzalo Aguilar Delgado <
gaguilar aguilardelgado com> wrote:


I my case (rados lib) I found non standard anyway and trying hard to
figure out how to do the binding. Maybe someone can help.

I managed to create some kind of working stuff but I think is not really
good with lot's of variable copying in generated code.

[ The problem ]

Rados want's a (void *) (formally rados_t) to be initialized on startup.
This is done with rados_create2 function:

    int rados_create2(rados_t *pcluster, const char *const clustername,
              const char * const name, uint64_t flags);

What I did is:

Map flags: (ok)

    [IntegerType (rank = 11)]
    [CCode (cname = "uint64_t", has_type_id = false)]
publicstruct Flags {

Create a cluster client:

    [CCode (cheader_filename = "rados/librados.h", cname = "void",
free_function = "rados_shutdown", has_type_id = false)]
publicclass ClusterClient {
        [CCode (cheader_filename = "rados/librados.h", cname =
protectedstaticint create (ref unowned ClusterClient client, string?
cluster_name, string? user_name, Flags flags);

publicstatic unowned ClusterClient? from_config(string? cluster_name,
string? user_name, Flags flags) {
            unowned ClusterClient result = null;
if(create(ref result, cluster_name, user_name, flags)<0){
                result = null;
return result;


I code I do:

    Rados.Flags flags=0;
    unowned Rados.ClusterClient cluster = Rados.ClusterClient.from_config("ceph",
"client.admin", flags);

But this makes a lot of problems in code. And of course, not calling
rados_shutdown because unowned.

What I want is to do it in a way it's everything handled in the
constructor with no static method, but don't find how to do it.

What I really want to do is:

    Rados.Flags flags=0;
Rados.ClusterClient cluster = Rados.ClusterClient("ceph", "client.admin",

And the result of the rados_create2 (first argument) being copied to
cluster var as instance object.

How should I do it?

Any help will be appreciated.

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