Re: [Vala] Tokenize_and_fold bug?

On 17/11/2014 05:15, Andy Lees wrote:

Not sure if I'm doing this wrong, but if I do something like:

public static int main(string [] argv) {
  string[] x;
  var a = "1,2, 345".tokenize_and_fold ("en_GB", out x);
  stdout.printf("Len: %d\n", a.length);
  foreach (var s in a) {
    stdout.printf("tok: %s", s);
  return 0;

I get a C compiler error:
/home/andrewl/Vala/VTest1/prop.vala.c: In function ‘_vala_main’:
/home/andrewl/Vala/VTest1/prop.vala.c:41:2: error: too many arguments to
function ‘g_str_tokenize_and_fold’
  _tmp3_ = _tmp2_ = g_str_tokenize_and_fold ("1,2, 345", "en_GB", &_tmp0_,

As does any variation of two arguments.  Fewer than 2 args results in a
vala compiler error.
The bindings for this function are broken. Can you please report a bug?

Best regards,

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