Re: [Vala] Parallel programming in Vala?

On 2014-05-27 13:12, Costas Smaragdakis wrote:

Nevertheless, I wonder if I could use Vala for parallel computations
using a parallel toolbox like mpich, openmpi or CUDA.This is significant
for me because I am going to run my code using the facilities of
University. Does someone use Vala for scientific calculations? I already
have found out that there is a gsl port to Vala!

I am sorry, I am not an expert in Vala.
I think you can make your code parallel by using GLib threads, normal Linux pthreads or forks.

I hope that there is an easy way to produce parallel code in Vala.
Otherwise, I will rather consider the Python as a serious candidate.

Python is not good at all for parallel computations (unless you use some parallel servers/services), as its threads are not real threads, but cooperative multitasking with a global lock.

You could consider Google's go, instead.


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