Re: [Vala] A brand new build system

@Rastersoft, Thanks for joining the thread. Is great to know about the
plugin. Any plan to support Sublime Text too?

Mario, I don't found docs or samples? It is exists somewhere to read?

2014-05-16 13:40 GMT-03:00 Mario Daniel Ruiz Saavedra <
desiderantes rocketmail com>:

No love for Bake?

Mario Daniel Ruiz Saavedra
Estudiante Ing. Sistemas - Uninorte
mruizd uninorte edu co -

El Viernes, 16 de mayo, 2014 11:29:42, rastersoft <raster rastersoft com>

I'm the author of autovala. Currently it is a command-line only tool,
but I'm working on a gedit plugin that will integrate autovala inside,
allowing for a much better workflow.

Anyway, about being it "much powerful", remember that nearly all is
automagically by autovala, and, usually, you don't need to manually edit
the .avprj files. Just run "autovala update" and build your project.
Autovala will search automatically for source files, resources and more.

On 16/05/14 17:46, geovanisouza92 gmail com wrote:
 Guys, thanks for replies.

 Calvin, I don`t intend to create whole build from sctrach. I was
 in a kind of "frontend", easy to understand, with nice syntax,
 dispatch commands and scripts to autotools, make, cmake and all this
 stabilished and reliable software. I know that doesn't need to reinvent
 wheel, but, just let it more soft... :)

 When I started this thread, I don't knew autovala. I don't use it
in deep,
 but seems much powerful to me. I understood that it make a kind of
 proprocessing, generating the make files.

 My idea is similar, but I want to hide the complexicity of generated
 files, putting it in a build/ or /tmp/ folder, starting other tools to
 it happen. This way, existing Makefile's, ./configure's and others
can be
 used too, preserving the work projects, but adding more management,
like a
 public online package repository, bundling, deploying, and whatever...

 What you think about it?
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                 RASTER    (Linux user #228804)
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