Re: [Vala] Planet Vala

On Fri, 2014-03-21 at 05:14 -0600, Daniel Espinosa wrote:
I'm interested on blogging about Vala, please let me know more details.

You mean I need to login in GitHub and make a pull request at your

Sure, or you can e-mail me, or drop by #vala.

A pull request isn't really necessary—just filing an issue with the URL
of the blog is enough.  I don't mind pull requests since they're really
easy from my end, but they are really overkill for adding two lines to
the config.ini file.

Could you add a login like system on Planet Vala with a "Request an
account" like option in order to help on manage potential bloggers on the

I think that would be overkill (and doesn't really fit with how Venus
works), but if you want to think of GitHub as that system (plus a few
other small features)…

 or add a link to a wiki help page on the process.

I've added slightly more verbose instructions to the footer on  I think that should be sufficient, but if
anyone wants to add a wiki page with more verbose instructions which we
can link to in the footer I don't have a problem with that.

El mar 21, 2014 1:22 a.m., "Evan Nemerson" <evan coeus-group com> escribió:

I've gone ahead and launched a blog aggregator for Vala at
<> (thanks to Jürg for letting me use the
subdomain), as discussed here a few days ago.

Currently there are only a few blogs included, but I would really like
to add more soon, especially (though not exclusively) of people who
aren't already on  The content doesn't have to be
completely, or even mostly, about Vala.

I've put the Venus configuration information on GitHub
(<>), so please feel free to file
issues or pull requests for whatever you would like to see.


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