Re: [Vala] ArrayList reference count question

On 27 October 2013 15:59, Andre Masella <andre masella name> wrote:
The increase in reference happens inside ArrayList *before* it returns the

Ok, got it.

You can't assign an owned variable to an unowned variable and expect good
things to happen because there might be no other owners

What if I have an ArrayList in the main() function which holds a bunch
of objects, after that all I need are weak refs to the elements into
that list.? The list will never die until the app ends. I'm guessing
this would mean manual pointer work and freeing.

I really don't see the fuss in their being a higher reference count that you
think. The cost is small, particularly if your program isn't multi-threaded.

It's not so much a fuss as me trying to understand the flow of things.
I come from Pythonville, so the spectre of memory leaks is new to me.

Thanks again, great info!

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