Re: [Vala] Vala and Cairo 1.12

On 14/05/2013 19:59, Jonas Kulla wrote:
some vapis are auto-generated (mostly for glib based libraries I think),
but most are hand written and maintained AFAIK.
Okay, thanks. I didn't know this. I was wondering how the appropriate cairo_destroy stuff got into my code when I never call these functions from Vala.

Are there a lot of new functions in 1.12 that you need? If not,
you could just inline the function signatures in your vala code
until someone updates the official vapi.
It seems Evan Nemerson is on the case - yay! - but I'd like to know a little more about this inline thing. Do you have an example so I can get the picture? (I'm a Pythoner who tripped over Vala and I'm still rubbing my chin.)

You can take a look at the current vapi to get a feel for
how they're written. If you have specific questions,
feel free to ask them here.
I will do that, the cairo.vapi has me curious. Thanks.


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