I try write a regular expresion to get some text, something like this: int main () { string the_string = """ start text line 1 start text line 2 %tag:keytag% the content betwen tag line1 %endtag% the end line 1 the end line 2 """;Regex r = /\s*(?P<start>.*)\s*%tag:(?P<key>.*)%\s*(?P<content>.*)\s*%endtag%\s*(?P<end>.*)/;
MatchInfo info; if(r.match(the_string, 0, out info)) { var s = info.fetch_named("start"); var key = info.fetch_named("key"); var cont = info.fetch_named("content"); var e = info.fetch_named("end"); print("%s\n",s); print("%s\n",key); print("%s\n",cont); print("%s\n",e); } return 0; }problem 1.the var s only get the one line (" start text line 2"). How can i get all line in s,e vars?
problem 2. if betwen %tag - %endtag is multiline dont work the expresion.
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