Re: [Vala] Boxed type generics

In conclusion, use (double) instead of (double?).

I'd happily use (double), as it makes sense. But the generated c-code
is wrong and the C-compiler complains:

error: pointer value used where a floating point value was expected

That is quite understandable when looking at the generated c-code,
which tries to cast the incoming pointer generic type directly to

Another example:

public class Test<T> {
        public T number;
        public void set_number (T number) {
                double tmp = (double) number;
                this.number = tmp;

One would assume, that the first line in set_number method is correct
(if the object constructed by "new Test<double>()"). Vala doesn't
complain, but the c-compiler does. The generated C code in this case:

void test_set_number_generic (Test* self, gconstpointer x) {
        gconstpointer _tmp0_;
        gdouble tmp;
        gpointer _tmp1_;
        g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
        _tmp0_ = x;
        tmp = (gdouble) _tmp0_;
        _tmp1_ = ((tmp != NULL) && (self->priv->t_dup_func != NULL)) ?
self->priv->t_dup_func ((gpointer) tmp) : ((gpointer) tmp);
        ((self->number == NULL) || (self->priv->t_destroy_func ==
NULL)) ? NULL : (self->number = (self->priv->t_destroy_func
(self->number), NULL));
        self->number = _tmp1_;

Again a pointer _tmp0_ is being casted to gdouble, which is wrong.
When using (double?) instead of (double), the c-code in this line is
like this:

tmp = *((gdouble*) _tmp0_);

This is correct, since _tmp0_ in this case is a pointer to a boolean and
tmp should hold it's value. So quite oddly casting to (double?) seems to

However, the real problem is when trying to assign the value to the
class member:

error: invalid operands to binary != (have ‘gdouble’ and ‘void *’)
error: cannot convert to a pointer type
error: cannot convert to a pointer type

the corresponding line from the c-code above:

        _tmp1_ = ((tmp != NULL) && (self->priv->t_dup_func != NULL)) ?
self->priv->t_dup_func ((gpointer) tmp) : ((gpointer) tmp);

So what I need is a way to tell the vala compiler to convert the double
type to the generic type (effectively creating a pointer gdouble*),
which then can be assigned to the classmember (I did this in the
previous email by using the address-of operator, but there has to be a
more vala-way of doing it).

Note: when assigning the classmember from outside the class, everything
is fine:

var test = new Test<double>();
test.number = 1.47;

But how can I do this from inside the class?



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