Re: [Vala] Purple.CoreUiOps

On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 7:14 PM, Joseph Montanez <jmontanez gorilla3d com>wrote:

Here is the full error:
app.vala:83.4-83.27: error: Invalid type for member `input_add'
  input_add = my_input_add,

82:  Purple.EventLoopUiOps glib_eventloops = Purple.EventLoopUiOps() {
83:  input_add = my_input_add,
84:  input_remove = GLib.Source.remove,
85:  input_get_error = null,
86:  timeout_add = GLib.Timeout.add,
87:  timeout_add_seconds = GLib.Timeout.add_seconds,
88:  timeout_remove = GLib.Source.remove
89:  };

Use a cast? (Callback) my_input_add.

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