Re: [Vala] Vala on Embedded Devices

Thank you all for your input.

I'd like to add a third scenario to Dmitry's two. Rather than generalizing
this scenario, I'll give my specifics. Generalize as you like.

- Product turnover is important. We generally move from schematic to
shippable in six to eight weeks.
- Need peripherals that may not be available on slower microprocessors.
- Need to perform one thing among many quickly. Often I'll use a tight loop
to handle a single responsibility and let everything else run in the
background. (Generally a main loop & interrupt driven structure)
- Want to give room for future improvements. If we're right at a code size
boundary, we'll often bump the microprocessor to a superior model to allow
for in-field bootloading. Sometimes this comes with a 'free' RAM or
frequency boost.

I can definitely see Vala being useful for 'main loop' tasks - tasks that
don't need to be done *now* and that may be shared among products.
Essentially, I live in a realm below .NET/Java/Python, but would still like
modern syntax.

I have some spare time at work right now, so I hope to prototype a Vala
application for PIC32 embedded systems.


On Fri, Dec 7, 2012 at 12:15 PM, Dmitry Romanov <romanovda gmail com> wrote:

As an embedded world developer, I strongly disagree with the statement
about C, C++ and libstdc. Vala is really something that could be
useful for embed world.

There are two scenarios:
1. When you have developed a unit and you want to put it for mass
market. Then you want to make everything cheaper. Then you have to
take maximum from your controller. When you are selling 1 000 000 pink
bunnies, the difference between controller costs is more than
difference in costs of development time.

2. If you have researching and development stage of your device. If
you have one off production of high precision equipment, custom
machine tool or many other non mass market complex applications, the
cost of the development is much much more than costs of controllers.
In this case, the time when controllers should be programmed only in
assembly language is passing away.

There are java and .NET driven controllers available on the market.
But there are specific problems with real time and garbage collection
for those technologies as well.  At the same time Vala claims to be as
fast as C++ and to be run anywhere with C support. So definitely Vala
will find a lot of users in embedded programming (with all vala syntax

On Fri, Dec 7, 2012 at 4:21 AM, Ma Xiaojun <damage3025 gmail com> wrote:
In embedded environment, people even find glibc bloated...

If the mailer want OO support, what about C++ without libstdc++?
If the mailer want some sugars in GLib, that's probably harder.
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