Re: [Vala] libsoup-2.4.vapi missing SOUP_URI_VALID_FOR_HTTP()

Alexandre Rosenfeld
<alexandre rosenfeld gmail com> writes:

SOUP_URI_VALID_FOR_HTTP is just a macro, you can do it yourself. You can
check the definition here

Thanks for the reply, but I may need to clarify. 

More generally, is a vala api suppossed to reflect the corresponding gir?
Should a bug report be filed if it doesn't?

In this specific case, I'm asking if the code is intended to be included in
the API as it is found in the gir, but not in the vapi.  The valadoc for
this package mentions it's use, so the documention leads one to believe
that it is part of the API. 

Brian Winfrey

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