Re: [Vala] Compiling VTG under Ubuntu 11.10

rastersoft <raster rastersoft com> writes:


I found your patches, and I applied it, but it still complains. Now
the problem is with libafrodite:

error: Package `afrodite-0.14' not found in specified Vala API
directories or GObject-Introspection GIR directories
Compilation failed: 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)

The bug is because it's called libafrodite instead of afrodite. I sent
the patch to the VTG page. Unfortunately, it compiles but doesn't
work: Gedit doesn't find it :(

I believe I pieced together how to install the plugin from the
Val GEdit Plugin Sample:

I can tell you from my experiences that I don't use the plugin as it
seemed to use too much memory.  Anjuta was cheaper in this regard. 

Brian Winfrey

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