[Vala] Multiple Namespace problem

I'm seeing at GXml project (http://git.gnome.org/browse/gxml), and I
found that it uses two Namespaces to define its classes. But GXml
namespace don't have any class defined (yet), I suppose will be used
to define new modules after DOM is finished (may be XSD or others).
But when I try to generate GIR and typelib files, it tries to include
GXml module from outside (and doesn't exists of course) and Dom is
located inside GXml namespace. The next example generate a GIR file
but refuse to create typelib because GXml include fails.

Is this the expected behavior or what is the better to do on Multiple
and incomplete namespaces?

This is an example:

[CCode (gir_namespace="GXml", gir_version="1.0")]
namespace GXml {
    [CCode (gir_namespace="GXml", gir_version="1.0")]
    namespace Dom {
        public class Node : GLib.Object {
            public void foo() {

        public class Attr : Node {
            public new void foo () {

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