Re: [Vala] [Geani] Is Dead?

Thats right you probably wont find much about python -> genie migration

If you read all the docs on Genie then such migration is really an
exercise for the reader

Genie is a real easy language to learn and should be fairly easy to
migrate to from python

You will need an editor - try ValaIde and have fun with the many
examples online


On Mon, 2011-05-23 at 12:57 -0400, craf wrote:
-----Mensaje original-----
De: Jamie McCracken <jamie mccrack gmail com>
Para: craf <pyclutter gmail com>
Cc: Lista Vala <vala-list gnome org>
Asunto: Re: [Vala] [Geani] Is Dead?
Fecha: Mon, 23 May 2011 12:41:58 -0400
Im still maintaining Genie although Vala appears to be in a slow state
of development now that its fairly mature
Hi Jamie.

Thanks for answering!.

As I mentioned in the mail, I'd love to learn to work with GTK Genie,
but I find no reference points to migrate my work in Python-GTK to GTK

It would be great if you could tell me, what would be the way to work
with Genie and GTK.

Besides, I want to do some tutorials in my language (Spanish), once
covered the basic shape.

Great work!.


Cristian Abarzúa F.

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