Re: [Vala] Preprocessing directives in glib-2.0.vapi

Ok. Thanks. I'll try that.

Am Montag, den 16.05.2011, 19:19 +0100 schrieb Abderrahim KITOUNI:

2011/5/12 JM <interflug1 gmx net>:
In glib-2.0.vapi the binding for a GMappedFile looks like this:

The new unref_function is for glib versions higher than 2.22
to documentation). I have 2.28.

Is the developer supposed to give the condition GLIB_2_22 himself?
Or is
the vala compiler supposed to do that?
At least I can say that it is now only working correctly, if I add
-D GLIB_2_22 to the compiler args myself.

You're not supposed to define it directly, rather you set
--target-glib, and valac will define all the GLIB_2_xx variables up to
the target version (starting from 2.14 IIRC)


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